
What is Life?: With Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches



Series:Canto Classics

Format:Paperback / softback 184 pages, Worked examples or Exercises

Publisher:Cambridge University Press

Imprint:Cambridge University Press


Published:26 Mar 2012


Dimensions:213 x 138 x 10 (mm)




作者埃尔温·薛定谔(1887—1961),奥地利著名物理学家,量子力学的奠基人之一,曾于1933 年获诺贝尔物理学奖。《生命是什么?》是二十世纪有影响的科学经典著作之一。书中以纯物理的观念对生物体遗传现象的本质进行了简要探讨并提出了一些深刻观点。这些思想对DNA的双螺旋结构的发现者沃森和克里克等后来的研究者产生了很大影响。从现在的观念来看,书中有些观点并非完全正确和完善,但考虑到生命现象的极端复杂性,如果从还原论的角度来研究生命现象,那么本书的思维模式(尤其是提问的方式)无疑是这方面的典范。






Nobel laureate Erwin Schroedinger's What is Life? is one of the great science classics of the twentieth century. It was written for the layman, but proved to be one of the spurs to the birth of molecular biology and the subsequent discovery of DNA. What is Life? appears here together with Mind and Matter, his essay investigating a relationship which has eluded and puzzled philosophers since the earliest times.


Brought together with these two classics are Schroedinger's autobiographical sketches, which offer a fascinating account of his life as a background to his scientific writings.



埃尔温·薛定谔,奥地利著名物理学家,与P.A.M.狄拉克同获1933 年诺贝尔物理学奖。概率波动力学的创始人。主要研究有关热学的统计理论问题,写出了有关气体和反应动力学、振动、点阵振动(及其对内能的贡献)的热力学以及统计等方面的论文。他还研究过色觉理论,他对有关红绿色盲和蓝黄色盲频率之间的关系的解释为生理学家们所接受。 薛定谔曾先后发表了《生命是什么》《科学与人文主义》,《自然与希腊人》,《科学理论与人》,《心与物》,《我的世界观》和去世后出版的《自然规律是什么》等哲学论著和文集,甚至一度设想过在教书之余,以哲学为主要兴趣,以至于被当代著名物理学家西蒙尼认为“是我们世纪的物理学家中引人注目的哲学家”。


Erwin Schr?dinger, geboren 1887 in Wien, gestorben 1964 ebenda, geh?rte zur Elite der Physiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Mit der Entdeckung der nach ihm benannten Wellengleichung hat er wesentlich zur Entwicklung der gesamten Atomphysik beigetragen. Bahnbrechend waren auch seine Leistungen auf den Gebieten der Farbenlehre, der Thermodynamik, der statischen Mechanik und der Relativit?tstheorie. 1933 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Physik. 1938 musste er mit seiner Frau endgültig ins Exil gehen. Wenige Jahre vor seinem Tod kehrte er nach ?sterreich zurück.




1. The classical physicist's approach to the subject; 

2. The hereditary mechanism; 

3. Mutations; 

4. The quantum-mechanical evidence; 

5. Delbruck's model discussed and tested; 

6. Order, disorder and entropy; 

7. Is life based on the laws of physics?; Epilogue: on determinism and free will; Mind and Matter: 1. The physical basis of consciousness; 2. The future of understanding; 3. The principle of objectivation; 4. The arithmetical paradox: the oneness of mind; 5. Science and religion; 6. The mystery of the sensual qualities; Autobiographical sketches (translated from the German by Schr?dinger's granddaughter Verena).

4. The quantum-mechanical evidence; 

5. Delbruck's model discussed and tested; 

6. Order, disorder and entropy; 

7. Is life based on the laws of physics?; Epilogue: on determinism and free will; Mind and Matter: 1. The physical basis of consciousness; 2. The future of understanding; 3. The principle of objectivation; 4. The arithmetical paradox: the oneness of mind; 5. Science and religion; 6. The mystery of the sensual qualities; Autobiographical sketches (translated from the German by Schrödinger's granddaughter Verena).
