
书名:Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵:纳什传
作者:Sylvia Nasar西尔维娅•娜萨
出版社名称:Simon & Schuster Paperbacks
商品尺寸:17.1x 3.0 x 10.5 cm
页数:620 (以实物为准)

小约翰·纳什(John Forbes Nash,Jr.,1928-2015),著名数学家、经济学家、博弈论创始人,奥斯卡获奖影片《美丽心灵》主角的原型。前麻省理工学院助教,后任普林斯顿大学数学系教授,主要研究博弈论、微分几何学和偏微分方程,1994年获诺贝尔经济学奖。
这本Beautiful Mind美丽心灵为西尔维娅·娜萨为小约翰·纳什撰写的传记,逼真地再现了一个数学天才的一生,讲述了一个关于天才、疾病和爱情的传奇故事。本书为英文版,适合各位影迷、书迷们阅读。
1. 同名获奖影片《美丽心灵》英文原著,普利策奖人物传记类后入围作品;
2. 荣获1998年美国书评界传记奖、2000年美国数学联合政策委员会传播奖;
3. 英文原版,采用轻型环保纸印刷,小巧便携。
John Forbes Nash, Jr., a prodigy and legend by the age of thirty, dazzled the mathematical world by solving a series of deep problems deemed “impossible” by other mathematicians. But at the height of his fame, Nash suffered a catastrophic mental breakdown and began a harrowing descent into insanity, resigning his post at MIT, slipping into a series of bizarre delusions, and eventually becoming a dreamy, ghostlike figure at Princeton, scrawling numerological messages on blackboards. He was all but forgotten by the outside world--until, remarkably, he emerged from his madness to win the Nobel Prize. A Beautiful Mind is “a story about the mystery of the human mind, in three acts: genius, madness, reawakening.” A true drama, it is also a fascinating glimpse into the fragility of genius.
“Reads like a fine novel.” —The New York Times
“Deeply interesting and extraordinarily moving.” —Oliver Sacks
“Superbly written and eminently fascinating.” —The Boston Globe

纳什(John Forbes Nash,Jr.,1928-2015)的研究生推荐信是这么写的:“我推荐纳什成为您的研究生。他今年19岁,是个数学天才。”
“How could you, a mathematician, believe that extraterrestrials were sending you messages?” the visitor from Harvard asked the West Virginian with the movie-star looks and Olympian manner.
“Because the ideas I had about supernatural beings came to me the same way my mathematical ideas did,” came the answer. “So I took them seriously.”
Thus begins the true story of John Nash, the mathematical genius who was a legend by age thirty when he slipped into madness, and who— thanks to the selflessness of a beautiful woman and the loyalty of the mathematics community—emerged after decades of ghostlike existence to win a Nobel Prize and world acclaim. The inspiration for a major motion picture, Sylvia Nasar's award-winning biography is a drama about the mystery of the human mind, triumph over incredible adversity, and the healing power of love.

西尔维娅·娜萨(Sylvia Nasar),《财富》杂志作家,《美国新闻与世界报道》专栏作家,《纽约时报》经济记者,普林斯顿大学访问学者,剑桥大学金斯学院和丘吉尔学院访问研究员,现为哥伦比亚大学新闻学院商务新闻奈特教授。
Sylvia Nasar, a former economics correspondent for the New York Times, is the Knight Professor of Journalism at Columbia University. She lives in Tarrytown, New York.

Prologue 序言
Part One: A Beautiful Mind
1 Bluefield (1928-45) 布卢菲尔德
2 Carnegie Institute of Technology (June 1945-June 1948) 卡内基工学院
3 The Center of the Universe (Princeton, Fall 1948) 宇宙的中心
4 School of Genius (Princeton, Fall 1948) 天才的学校
5 Genius (Princeton, 1948-49) 天才
6 Games (Princeton, Spring 1949.) 弈棋
7 John von Neumann (Princeton, 1948-49) 冯·诺伊曼
8 The Theory of Games 博弈论
9 The Bargaining Problem (Princeton, Spring 1949) 讨价还价问题
10 Nash's Rival Idea (Princeton, 1949-50) 纳什的对手想法
11 Lloyd (Princeton, 1950) 沙普利
12 The War of Wits (RAND, Summer 1950) 天才之战
13 Game Theory at RAND博弈论在兰德
14 The Draft (Princeton, 195O-51) 征兵
15 A Beautiful Theorem (Princeton, 1950-51) 一个优美的定理
16 MIT麻省理工学院
17 Bad Boys坏男孩们
18 Experiments (RAND, Summer 1952) 实验
19 Reds (Spring 1953) 赤色分子
20 Geometry几何学
Part Two: Separate Lives
21 Singularity奇点
22 A Special Friendship (Santa Monica, Summer 1952) 特别的友谊
23 Eleanor埃莉诺
24 Jack布里克
25 The Arrest (RAND, Summer 1954) 被捕
26 Alicia艾利西亚
27 The Courtship求爱
28 Seattle (Summer 1956) 西雅图
29 Death and Marriage (1956-57) 死亡与婚姻
Part Three: A Slow Fire Burning
30 Olden Lane and Washington Square (1956-57) 奥尔登小径与华盛顿广场
31 The Bomb Factory原子弹工厂
32 Secrets (Summer 1958) 秘密
33 Schemes (Fall 1958) 计划
34 The Emperor of Antarctica南极洲皇帝
35 In the Eye of the Storm (Spring 1959) 身处暴风眼
36 Day-Breaks in Bowditch Hall (McLean Hospital, April-May, 1959) 鲍迪奇大楼的黎明
37 Mad Hatter's Tea (May-June 1959) 疯子的茶会
Part Four: The Lost Years
38 Citoyen du Monde (Paris and Geneva, 1959-60) 世界公民
39 Absolute Zero (Princeton, 1960) 零度
40 Tower of Silence (Trenton State Hospital, 1961) 死寂塔楼
41 An Interlude of Enforced Rationality (July 1961-April 1963) 一段强制理性时期
42 The “Blowing Up” Problem (Princeton and Carrier Clinic, 1963-65) “破裂”问题
43 Solitude (Boston, 1965-67) 独居生活
44 A Man All Alone in a Strange World (Roanoke, 1967-70) 独处在奇怪的世界
45 Phantom of Fine Hall (Princeton, 1970s) 范氏大楼的幽灵
46 A Quiet Life (Princeton, 1970-90) 一段平静的生活
Part Five: The Most Worthy
47 Remission病情缓解
48 The Prize诺贝尔奖
49 The Greatest Auction Ever (Washington, D.C., December 1994) 的拍卖
50 Reawakening (Princeton, 1995-97) 再度觉醒
Epilogue 后记
Select Bibliography 主要文献
Index 索引

AmongJohn Nash’s earliest memories is one in which, as a child of about two or three, he is listening to his maternal grandmother play the piano inthe front parlor of the old Tazewell Streethouse,high on a breezy hill overlookingthe city ofBluefield, West Virginia.
It wasin this parlor that his parents were married on September 6, 1924, a Saturday, at eight in the morning to the chords of a Protestant hymn, amid basketfuls of blue hydrangeas, goldenrod, black-eyed susans, and white and gold marguerites. The thirty-two-year-old groom wastall andgravely handsome. The bride—foursyears his junior, was a willowy, black-eyed beauty. Her narrow,brown cut-velvet dress emphasized her slender waist and long, graceful back. She had perhaps chosen its deep shade out of deference to her father’s recent death. She carried abouquet of thesameold-fashioned flowers that filled the room, andshewore moreof theseblooms woven through her thick, chestnut hair. The effect was brilliant rather than subdued. The vibrant browns and golds, which would have made a woman with lighter, more typically southern complexion look wan, embellished her rich coloring and lent her a striking and sophisticated air.
