

书名:Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read Level 迷上自然拼读系列第
作者:Hooked on Phonics
出版社名称:Hooked on Phonics
语种: 英文
商品尺寸:22.4 x 2.8 x 29.2 cm

在美国,Hooked on Phonics《迷上自然拼读系列》是一套很受家长及老师欢迎的儿童学习Phonics的教材,曾荣获“1998国际家庭中心认可教育教材奖”和“2001学校课程管理杂志100学校教材奖”,现已有超过2,000,000的美国家庭及数千间学校使用Hooked on Phonics。
4. DVD配套教学,动画对孩子有吸引力,发音准确。

Hooked on Phonics《迷上自然拼读系列》共分为8个级别,内容涵盖Pre-kindergarden(学前班)、Kindergarden(幼儿园)、Grade 1(小学一年级)、Grade 2(小学二年级)四个阶段,非常适合3-8岁的孩子使用。

这套Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read - Level 7: Early Fluent Readers (Second Grade迷上自然拼读系列第,专为7-8岁的小学二年级学生设计,主要学习内容包括:
复习Level 5&6的内容
—r音控制的词(“r”-controlled Words
Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read Level 7 is the 7th level in the complete 8-level Learn to Read series.
- Level 1: Early Emergent Readers (Pre-K)
- Level 2: Early Emergent Readers (Pre-K)
- Level 3: Emergent Readers (Kindergarten)
- Level 4: Emergent Readers (Kindergarten)
- Level 5: Transitional Readers (First Grade)
- Level 6: Transitional Readers (First Grade)
- Level 7: Early Fluent Readers (Second Grade)
- Level 8: Early Fluent Readers (Second Grade)
Designed to help your child learn the building blocks of reading, Learn to Read Level 7 covers:
- Levels 5&6 Review
- Long Vowel Sounds with “e”
- Vowel Teams Like “ee,” “oa,” and “ai”
- “r”-controlled Words
- “y” at the End of a Word
- Two-Syllable Words
- 18 New Sight Words
Designed in conjunction with leading educators, award-winning authors, teachers and parents, Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read uses a proven, simple, and fun method to give your child a strong foundation in phonics and reading skills.
- Learn: Your child learns to read new words by watching the videos and reading the workbook.
- Practice: Your child practices reading the new sound combinations and words in the workbook.
- Read: Your child puts it all together to read a great story.
- Celebrate: Celebrate success after each lesson and track your child’s progress!


Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read - Level 7: Early Fluent Readers (Second Grade迷上自然拼读系列第包括:
3本故事书:Kate and the Talent Show、My Giant Bunny、How Do We Get There from Here?。每个单元结束后阅读一本,可以让孩子复习本单元学习过的单词。主要通过图画来讲故事,使用很少的单词(基本都是本单元学过的),孩子完全可以通过图画猜出单词。
1本获奖儿童作家Michelle Knudsen故事书:Smart Shark
This set includes:
- 3 Original Storybooks written to reinforce the skills your child learns in the program
- Kate and the Talent Show
- My Giant Bunny
- How Do We Get There from Here?
- 1 Bonus Book, Smart Shark, by the award-winning children’s book author Michelle Knudsen
- 1 Workbook that will guide you and your child through all of the lessons and many fun activities
- 1 DVD filled with music videos and fun introductions to each lesson, where letters come to life
- 1 Set of Stickers to proudly display in the workbooks and celebrate reading success
- Online access to all video lessons PLUS bonus content on MyHop (My.HookedonPhonics.com)

At Hooked on Phonics, we believe that every child loves to learn, so we focus on nurturing that thirst for knowledge with products that are fun, effective, and easy to use. We respond to a child’s natural curiosity and support families and teachers as they help children improve literacy skills. We celebrate every success so learning becomes a positive cycle that kids will love to repeat again and again. We meet all children at their level, engage their imaginations, and help them climb to the next level step by step. Every achievement ends in a celebration of success, an elevation of confidence, and an increase in self-esteem. As children master reading skills, they also lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning. It’s our goal to make a difference in children’s lives by making learning fun and easy. That’s why we’ve brought together a dedicated team of parents, leading educators, interactive designers, writers, and artists. Through collaboration, research, and testing, we continually develop innovative products and systems that teach children not only to learn but also to love learning.
