
Head First C: A Brain-Friendly Guide



Format:Paperback / softback 608 pages

Publisher:O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA

Imprint:O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA


Published:30 Apr 2012


Dimensions:233 x 203 x 33 (mm)












Using the proven formula that has turned several Head First titles into bestsellers, Head First C is a complete learning experience for the C language, designed by veteran Head First authors for anyone with limited previous experience in a structured imperative language, but no knowledge of C.

Ever wished you could learn C from a book? Head First C provides a complete learning experience for C and structured imperative programming. With a unique method that goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals, this guide not only teaches you the language, it helps you understand how to be a great programmer. You'll learn key areas such as language basics, pointers and pointer arithmetic, and dynamic memory management. Advanced topics include multi-threading and network programming—topics typically covered on a college-level course.

This book also features labs: in-depth projects intended to stretch your abilities, test your new skills, and build confidence. Head First C mimics the style of college-level C courses, making it ideal as an accessible textbook for students.

We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First C uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.


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How to use this Book: Intro

Chapter 1: Getting Started with C: Diving in

Chapter 2: Memory and Pointers: What are you pointing at?

Chapter 2.5: Strings: String theory

Chapter 3: Creating Small Tools: Do one thing and do it well

Chapter 4: Using Multiple Source Files: Break it down, build it up

Chapter 5: Structs, Unions, and Bitfields: Roll your own structures

Chapter 6: Data Structures and Dynamic Memory: Building bridges

Chapter 7: Advanced Functions: Turn your functions up to 11

Chapter 8: Static and Dynamic Libraries: Hot-swappable code

Chapter 9: Processes and System Calls: Breaking boundaries

Chapter 10: Interprocess Communication: It’s good to talk

Chapter 11: Sockets and Networking: There’s no place like

Chapter 12: Threads: It’s a parallel world

Leftovers: The top ten things (we didn’t cover)

C Topics: Revision roundup


David Griffiths在12岁时看到一部介绍Seymour Papert工作的纪录片,从此踏上编程之路。15岁那年实现了Papert的LOGO编程语言。大学专业是理论数学,毕业后开始编程,并成为一名专栏作家。现在有三个头衔:敏捷教练、程序员和车库管理员。在《嗨翻C语言》之前,David写过两本Head First系列的书:Head First Rails和Head First Programming。

David Griffiths began programming at age 12, after being inspired by a documentary on the work of Seymour Papert. At age 15 he wrote an implementation of Papert's computer language LOGO. After studying Pure Mathematics at University, he began writing code for computers and magazine articles for humans and he is currently an agile coach with Exoftware in the UK, helping people to create simpler, more valuable software. He spends his free time traveling and time with his lovely wife, Dawn.

Dawn Griffiths在英国一所ding尖的大学开始了她的数学生涯,获得了数学系的荣誉学位,毕业以后投身软件开发行业,迄今已经有15年的IT行业从业经验。在和David一起写《嗨翻C语言》之前,Dawn写过两本Head First系列的书(《深入浅出统计学》和Head First 2D Geometry),同时还主持过该系列其他几本书。

Dawn Griffiths started life as a mathematician at a top UK university where she was awarded a First-Class Honours degree in Mathematics. She went on to pursue a career in software development, and has over 15 years experience working in the IT industry. Dawn has written several books, including Head First C, Head First Statistics and Head First 2D Geometry.
