
Magical Wings, The Journey Home

作者: Sherman, Bobby
出版社: Outskirts Press (2019年08月28日)
页数: 54页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781977211002
条形码: 9781977211002
商品重量: 150.00g
商品尺寸: 21.59cm * 21.59cm * 0.38cm

"Magical Wings, The Journey Home," is the final book in the series. Ella and Khalia have learned that their parents are here on the island and have been searching for them. Cecil has told the two sisters that the mysterious Queen Ani, who lives inside of Fudge Mountain can answer the one question on their minds. "Where are our parents?" Join this amazing adventure with Khalia and Ella and their friends; on their final journey, home.