
37 Post Chemotherapy Meal Recipes: Get Back on Track with These Nutrient Rich and Vitamin Packed Foods

作者: Correa, Joe
出版社: Live Stronger Faster (2016年11月11日)
页数: 78页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781635312096
条形码: 9781635312096
商品重量: 120.00g
商品尺寸: 22.91cm * 15.19cm * 0.41cm


37 Post Chemotherapy Meal Recipes: Get Back On Track with These Nutrient Rich and Vitamin Packed Foods

By Joe Correa CSN

After you defeat cancer, you feel stronger, more powerful, and have a greater urge for a better and healthier life.

After you've finished with chemotherapy, there is one important issue that still remains in your life: how to improve your overall health in the best possible way and enjoy the life ahead of you.

No matter what your the age and gender, the key to a healthier life lies in few basic things: a balanced, diet, exercise, and maintaining a healthy body weight. But, the first and most important thing is a balanced diet. That's the base for a strong recovery after you have dealt with your condition.

In order to help you maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins, proteins, fibers, etc., I have created a collection of recipes that will give you a quick and easy solution for meals during the post-chemotherapy period.

Every individual has different symptomps after the treatment, but all of them have one thing in common, a delicate organism that needs some fast recovery.

The recipes in this book were created by following a simple rule: the more nutrients, the better. That is what your body needs at this moment, and that is what I want to give you.

You will find an amazing nutritive goldmine in every single one of these recipes. Besides that, they are tasty and good looking which makes them ideal for the entire family

This wasn't an easy period of life for you. I trully hope these recipes will make the next period of your life better, healthier, and tastier It is my deepest desire to help you gain back your health and maintain it

Correa, Joe: - After years of Research, I honestly believe in the positive effects that proper nutrition can have over the body and mind. My knowledge and experience has helped me live healthier throughout the years and which I have shared with family and friends. The more you know about eating and drinking healthier, the sooner you will want to change your life and eating habits. Nutrition is a key part in the process of being healthy and living longer so get started today. The first step is the most important and the most significant.