001 1. I Want a Pen Pal
003 2. My Family
005 3. My Best Friend
008 4. My Grandma
010 5. How to Improve the Community
012 6. Smog
015 7. My School Life
017 8. The Double Ninth Festival
020 9. The Spring Festival
021 10. My Summer Vacation
024 11. Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment
026 12. Chinese Four Great Inventions
028 13. Whikey’s Day
031 14. My Hobby
034 15. Difficulties and Growth
038 16. New Year’s Resolutions
040 17. Online Shopping
043 18. Chinese Dishes
046 19. My Best Friend
050 20. Ms. Li Was Ill
054 21. My Favorite Sport
055 22. Transportation
058 23. How to Learn Chinese
061 24. My Favorite Book
064 25. Honesty
066 26. The Best and Worst Day
067 27. A Wallet and an Elephant
070 28. A Wonderful Place to Visit—Japan
072 29. My Eighth Birthday Present
075 30. My Journey to Hometown
077 31. The Most Unforgettable Vacation
080 32. Air Pollution
082 33. Should We Be Allowed to Use Our Phones as Much as We Want?
083 34. Are You Interested in Science?
087 35. My Motherland—China
091 36. The Social Welfare System in China
093 37. My Twelfth Thanksgiving Day
095 38. My Foreign Friend
097 39. An Unforgettable Day in a Shopping Mall
100 40. Secrets of Learning English
103 41. The Exchange Students
106 42. A Special PE Class
108 43. A Career Course
111 44. A School Survey
113 45. My Dream Job