
Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly

作者: Gerstenblith, Gary
出版社: Humana (2005年06月30日)
页数: 418页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 9781588292827
条形码: 9781588292827
商品重量: 820.00g
商品尺寸: 23.67cm * 16.00cm * 2.82cm

A panel of clinicians, researchers, and leaders in the field review and discuss the latest findings on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of cardiovascular disease in the older patient. The authors explain the physiological changes associated with the normal aging process that may lead to the development of disease, to adverse consequences once disease develops, and which alter the risk-benefit equation for medical and other interventions designed to diagnose, assess, and treat cardiovascular disease. The focus is on particularly common syndromes in the elderly, including cardiac failure with normal ejection fraction, isolated systolic hypertension, and atrial fibrillation. Wherever possible, the authors take an evidence-based approach to recommendations and rely heavily on prospective clinical trials.