
书名:Bad Dad坏爸爸
作者:David Walliams
出版社名称:HarperCollins Children's Books
商品尺寸:12.9 x 3.4 x 19.8 cm

“大卫·少年幽默小说系列”是由英国当代炙手可热的儿童图书作家大卫·威廉姆斯撰写,《了不起的狐狸爸爸》的插图绘制者、英国当代儿童文学界享负盛名的插画家昆廷·布莱克以及英国著名插画家托尼·罗斯创作插图的一系列儿童小说。本系列图书自出版以来,获得了包括英国人民图书奖儿童读物奖、英国《泰晤士报》Amanda Craig年度儿童图书奖在内等无数奖项殊荣。












“I absolutely love David Walliams's books. In a few more years they will become classics.” –Sue Townsend, author of Adrian Mole

“Dahl finally has a worthy successor” –Telegraph

“Another triumph for David Walliams. His books are a breath of wonderful fresh air” – The Sun
本书Bad Dad《坏爸爸》是“大卫·少年幽默小说系列”第10册,讲述了爸爸和儿子共同经历的一场惊心动魄的冒险之旅。

Bad Dad is a fast and furious, heart-warming new children’s book about a father and son on an adventure – and a thrilling mission to break an innocent man into prison… It’s a high-speed cops-and-robbers adventure with heart and soul about a father and son taking on the villainous Mr Big – and winning!

大卫·威廉姆斯(David Williams),英国当代著名的儿童图书作家,在评论界享有“罗尔德·达尔继承人”的美誉。2008年至今,他的儿童文学作品一经推出,便受到全球大小读者的热烈追捧和好评——其作品以“幽默风趣”、“温情耐读”而著称。他是英国著名的喜剧明星和演员,曾通过参与各种活动为慈善团体募得大量捐款。他是英国具有影响力的公众人物,曾获“不列颠骄傲”的荣誉称号。

David Walliams—comedian, actor and author—continues to take the children’s literary world by storm. His tenth novel, BAD DAD, was an immediate number one, following the triumph of THE MIDNIGHT GANG, the biggest-selling children’s book of 2016. WORLD’S WORST CHILDREN 2, which published in early 2017, spent four weeks at industry number one and eight weeks at the top of the children’s chart. They have achieved unprecedented critical acclaim—and RATBURGER, DEMON DENTIST and AWFUL AUNTIE have all won the National Book Awards Children’s Book of the Year.
David’s books have now exceeded 100 non-consecutive weeks in the children’s number-one spot, and have been translated into 50 languages, selling more than 22 million copies worldwide.
No one was a bigger fan of Dad than his own son. The boy worshipped his father. He was a hero to him. Frank longed to be just like his dad one day, a champion race-car driver. His dream was to one day drive Queenie.

As you might expect, father and son looked alike. Both were short and round, with sticky-out ears. The boy looked like someone had put his dad into a shrinking machine. Of all the children at his school, Frank knew he was never going to be the tallest or the handsomest or the strongest or the cleverest or the funniest. But he had seen the magic and wonder his father could create with his skill and courage on the racetrack. More than anything, he wanted to taste that.

As for Dad, he forbade his son from watching him race. A night would start with twenty cars speeding round the track, and by the end there would be just one car still standing. Drivers often got badly injured in the pile-ups, and sometimes spectators did too if the cars crashed into the stands.

"It's dangerous, mate," said Dad. Gilbert always called his son "mate". They were father and son, but best friends too.

"But, Dad..." the boy would plead as his father tucked him up in bed.

"No buts', mate. I don't want you to see me get hurt."

"But you're the best! You'll never get hurt!"

"I said ' no buts'. Now come on, be a good boy. Give us a huggle" and go to sleep."

Dad would always plant a kiss on his son's forehead before he went out to race for the night. As for Frank, he would close his eyes and pretend to be asleep. However, as soon as he heard the door close, he would creep out of bed and crawl down the hallway to the front door so as not to alert his mum. The woman would always shut herself in her bedroom and speak in hushed tones on the telephone whenever her husband was out of the house. Still dressed in his pyjamas, the boy would run all the way to the racetrack.

Just outside the stadium was a hug tower of rusty old cars that had been smashed up in previous races.

Frank would climb to the top of the pile. There he had the best view of the race. The boy would sit cross-legged on the roof of the highest car, and watch all the bangers speed by. Every time his father's Mini, Queenie, zoomed past, roaring as she went, the boy would cheer.
