
  本书是国内加拿大地域文学研究的专著。在本书中作者以后现代多元文化视角入手,对地域文学的发展进行重新审查,探讨地域主义批评的发展、特征和理论,并以草原和海洋文学为例分别研究了罗斯和麦克劳德的短篇小说集,以文化地理学视角对罗斯的文本景观进行了全新解读,对麦克劳德的地域叙事中的时空、地方、地域、主体性等的相互关系进行了深入阐发,突显出个人和地方在叙事中的彼此构建。 本书适合从事相关研究工作的人员参考、阅读。




  丁林棚,1975年生,山西沁水人。1992年考入山东大学外文系,1996-1999年在北大英语系读研,方向为加拿大文学。1999年毕业留校任教至今,从事英语专业主干基础课教学。2001-2006年在北大英语系读博,期间在加拿大里贾纳大学作访问学者一年。   在核心期刊上发表论文多


 Ⅰ.Regions and Regionalisms
 Ⅱ.Region,Writing,Reading,and Criticism
 Ⅲ.A Structural Sketch of the Research
Chapter One Regionalism:Concept,History and Critical Directions
 Ⅰ.Regionalism and Its Evolution
 Ⅱ.The Problems with Regionalism:Politics and Canonicity
 Ⅲ.Regionalism and Critical Interrogation
 Ⅳ.Regionalism,Narcissism,and Heterogeneity
 Ⅴ.A Criticism of Criticism:Regionalism and Thematic Criticism
  1.Regionalism and the Evolution of Thematic Criticism
  2.Critical Receptions of Thematic Criticism
  3.Textual Thematics and Contextual Thematics
Chapter Two Writing the Prairie.- The Short Stories of Sinclair Ross
 Ⅰ.Towards a New Conception of Landscape
 Ⅱ.Landscape as Realist Text in Sinclair Ross's Short Fiction
 Ⅲ.Prairie Landscape,Metaphor andⅤalue
 Ⅳ.Sinclair Ross's Moral Landscape:Production and Alienation
  1.Morality and the Symptoms of Alienation
  2.The Image of the House and Alienation
 Ⅴ.Sinclair Ross's Orchestration of Geography,Imagination,Morality and Reality
Chapter Three The Maritimes in Alistair MacLeod's Short Stories
 Ⅰ.Maritime Geography and Landscape
 Ⅱ.Weaving a Tapestry of Cape Breton Culture
 Ⅲ.Belligerence to the Outsider:Occupation,Cultural Purity,and Biological Symbolism 
  1.Occupational Heredity and Belligerence to the Outsider
  2.Cultural Purity and Belligerence to the Outsider
  3.Biological Symbolism and Belligerence to the Outsider
 Ⅳ.Writing Region from Memory:IndⅣiduals,Community and Temporality
 Ⅴ.The Personal and the Local:Space,Place,Region,and Identity
  1.Spatial Enclosure,Exile,and Identity
  2.Spatiality and Identity in “The Boat” 
  3.Place,Spatiality,and SubjectⅣity in “Island”
Works Cited
