













阿瑟·柯南·道尔Arthur ConanDoyle(1859—1930),英国著名小说家,因成功塑造歇洛克·福尔摩斯这一人物而成为侦探小说历*重要的作家之一。福尔摩斯的形象也因而享誉世界。他生于爱丁堡,后入爱丁堡大学学医。毕业后开诊所,仅能维持生活。闲时开始创作小说,1887年,发表《血字的研究》。道尔一生一共写了56篇短篇侦探小说以及4部中篇侦探小说,全部以福尔摩斯为主角。福尔摩斯侦探故事被人熟知和喜爱。后在《最后一案》中让福尔摩斯死去,引起诸多读者砸其家玻璃发泄不满,遂在《空屋》一案中让福尔摩斯复活。福尔摩斯探案系列使他跻身最成功的作家之列,如果要找一位和他相匹敌的作家,那只能是创作了侠盗亚森·罗宾的法国作家莫里斯·勒布朗。除侦探小说,柯南道尔还涉足科幻小说,历史小说、爱情小说、戏剧、诗歌等领域。


Chapter 1 Mr.Sherlock Holmes
Chapter 2 The Curse of the Baskervilles
Chapter 3 The Problem
Chapter 4 Sir Hetwy Baskerville
Chapter 5 qllree Broken Threads
Chapter 6 BaskeKerville Hall
Chapter 7 The Stapletons of Menipit House
Chapter 8 First Report of Dr.Watson
Chapter 9 Second Report of Dr.Watson
Chapter 10 Extract From the Diary of Dr.Watson
Chapter 11 The Man on the Tor
Chapter 12 Death Oil the Moor
Chapter 13 Fixing the Nets
Chapter 14 The Hound of the Baskervilles
Chapter 15 A Retrospection




“If you have read the letter you will know.”
“I did not say that I had read all the letter.”
“You quoted some of it.”
“I quoted the postscript. The letter had, as I said, beenburned and it was not all legible. I ask you once again why it wasthat you were so pressing that Sir Charles should destroy thisletter which he received on the day of his death.”
“The matter is a very private one.”
“The more reason why you should avoid a publicinvestigation.”
“I will tell you, then. If you have heard anything of myunhappy history you will know that I made a rash marriage and hadreason to regret it.”
“I have heard so much.”
“My life has been one incessant persecution from a husbandwhom I abhor. The law is upon his side, and every day I am faced bythe possibility that he may force me to live with him. At the timethat I wrote this letter to Sir Charles I had learned that therewas a prospect of my regaining my freedom if certain expenses couldbe met. It meant everything to me—peace of mind, happiness,self-respect—everything. I knew Sir Charles’s generosity, and Ithought that if he heard the story from my own lips he would helpme.”
“Then how is it that you did not go?”
