Day 1 Valentines Day Cards 情人节贺卡
Day 2 Speed Limit 速度限制
Day 3 An Advertisement 一则广告
Day 4 Dog and Violin 狗和小提琴
Day 5 Skunk 臭鼬
Day 6 Five Hundred Times 500遍
Day 7 A Hasty Interruption 匆忙的打断
Day 8 Volunteers? 志愿者?
Day 9 Churchill and George Bernard Shaw 丘吉尔和乔治·萧伯纳
Day 10 Saving Lives 救人
Day 11 The Problem of Two Flounders 两条比目鱼的问题
Day 12 Tightfisted Till the End 本性难移
Day 13 Who Should Be Given the Present? 礼物应该给谁?
Day 14 Visual Training 视力训练
Day 15 Excellent Skills 绝妙的技巧
Day 16 Three Men in a Boat 三人同舟
Day 17 An Old Couple's Quarrel 老夫妻吵架
Day 18 Age Eyesight 老人的视力
Day 19 Attended One Thing and Lost Sight of Another 捡了芝麻丢了西瓜
Day 20 A Chimpanzee and a Norwegian 黑猩猩与挪威人
Day 21 I'll Carry You Down 我能把你背下去
Day 22 Two Hunters 两个猎人
Day 23 I Hung Him Up to Dry 我把他吊起来晾干
Day 24 I Am Acting Like a Lady 我要表现得像位女士
Day 25 A Mysterious Letter 神秘来信
Day 26 Does Your Dog Bite 你的狗咬人吗?
Day 27 Buckle up 请系好安全带
Day 28 Bet 赌博
Day 29 A Fishy Story 鱼的故事
Day 30 I'll See to the Rest 其余的事由我负责
Day 31 Mental Deficiency 智力缺陷
Day 32 A Jealous Wife 吃醋的妻子
Day 33 No Cavities 我没有蛀牙
Day 34 My Wife Will Exchange Them 反正我太太明天会来换的
Day 35 I'm the Groom 我就是新郎
Day 36 A Blind Beggar 醉汉和盲人乞丐
Day 37 On Miracle 谈奇迹
Day 38 New Year Resolution 新年决心书
Day 39 He Was Only Wrong by Two 他的答案只比正确答案多二
Day 40 Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝
Day 41 Hunting Skills 打猎技巧
Day 42 Who is This Calling? 请问您是谁?
Day 43 Zoo Visit 参观动物园
Day 44 Where Am I Come From? 我从哪里来?
Day 45 Restaurant Rules 就餐规则
Day 46 It Hurts 疼死了
Day 47 Sons' Gifts to Mother 儿子送给妈妈的礼物
Day 48 Surgery 外科手术
Day 49 Another Engine Is Down Again 又坏了一个引擎
Day 50 They Are All Drowned 他们全都淹死了
Day 51 One Blonde to Another 一个金发女郎对另一个金发女郎
Day 52 Blonde in Trouble 不幸的金发女郎
Day 53 The Most Difficult Case 棘手的病例
Day 54 Like Attracts Like 物以类聚
Day 55 Blondes and the News 金发女郎和新闻
Day 56 A Blonde with a Gun 持枪的金发女郎
Day 57 Buying a Hat 买帽子
Day 58 A Brain Transplant 脑移植手术
Day 59 Beware of Dog 小心有狗
Day 60 The Smell of Fresh Blood 鲜血的味道
Day 61 Excited Remark 激动的话
Day 62 The Anthill 蚁丘
Day 63 Police Dog 警犬
Day 64 Boss's Idea 老板的主意
Day 65 How Could Anyone Stoop So Low? 谁的腰能弯那么低啊?

Day 1

Step One――笑口常开
Valentines Day Cards
A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing “Love” stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. The balding man then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying them all. His curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing. The man says, “I’m sending out 1,000 Valentine cards signed, ‘Guess who?’”
“But why?” asks the man.
“I’m a divorce lawyer.”

一天,某君走进一家邮局,看到一个中年秃顶男人站在柜台前,非常用心且有条不紊地把写有“爱”的邮票贴在一叠印满心型图案的 bright(亮)粉色信封上。然后那个秃顶的男人掏出一瓶香水,开始 spray(喷洒)所有的信封。中年人的举动激起了他的curiosity(好奇心),他想更加了解这个人因此走过去询问他在做什么。那个男人说,“我要寄出去1000张情人节贺卡,贺卡上都写着:‘猜猜我是谁?’”
“我是一个专办 divorce (离婚)案的律师。”

Step Two―― 单词详解
bright [brait] adj. 明亮的;聪敏的;欢快的


curiosity [~kju4ri'7s4ti] n. 好奇心;稀奇或罕见的事物或人;古玩
Step Three―― 主题词汇

virtue ['v=:tju:] n. 美德;优点,长处

by virtue of 借助,由于
语境强化 Loyalty, courage, and truthfulness are all virtues that we should have. 忠
ethic ['eqik] n. 道德准则,行为准则;[-s] 伦理学moral ['m7r4l] adj. 道德(上)的,有道德的n.[pl.] 道德;寓意短语搭配moral concepts 道德观念;business morals 商业道德principle ['prins4pl] n. 原则;原理;基本信念短语搭配fundamental principle 基本原理;on principle 依照原则;a matter of principle 原则性问题
语境强化Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their ambition for world conquest. 他们的外交原则将他们要征服世界的野心暴露无遗。(六级真题)
morality [m4'r1l4ti] n. 道德,(行为等的)道德性;德行;道德观,道德规范短语搭配commercial morality 商业道德;the fundamental moralities of life 基本的生活道德规范vice [vais] n. 缺点;邪恶(行为),道德败坏(行为)短语搭配vice versa 反之亦然语境强化There’s been a surge in new ways of keeping heat in and cold out (or vice versa). 出现一大批新的方法来保持内热外冷(反之亦然)。(六级真题)corrupt [k4'r9pt] adj. 堕落的,腐败的vt. 腐蚀,使堕落短语搭配a corrupt government 腐败的政府decay [di'kei] vi. 腐烂;衰败n. 腐烂;衰败(或衰退)状态短语搭配dental decay 蛀牙crumple ['kr9mpl] v. (使)皱,扭曲;(使)崩溃语境强化Mary crumpled her papers into a ball. 玛丽把她的卷子揉成了一团。hostile ['h7stail] adj. 敌对的;敌方的
Step One――笑口常开
我作为美国空军人员分遣部队的 personnel (一员)驻扎在英国皇家空军基地。那里有一条狭窄的道路蜿蜒穿过拥挤的residential (居民)区。在发生了rash (一连串)的 minor(小)vehicle(车辆)和 pedestrian(行人)事故之后,美国空军 commander(司令员)决定将车速限制在每小时三英里。
新的车速限制公布后 shortly (不久),一名骑警中士因一名吉普车司机开车时速达到五英里而给他 issue(开)了一张超速传票。我很 curious(好奇),骑警是如何精确地知道吉普车的时速的。“我 jogging(慢跑)着想在陆军消费合作社关门之前到达那里,”他解释说,“当我超过吉普车时,我看到车里的计速器显示的是每小时五英里。”
Step Two―― 单词详解
personnel [~p=:s4'nel] n. 全体人员,员工;人事部门residential [~rezi'denS4l] adj. 居住的,住宅的;(学生)寄宿的
Day 2
rash [r1S] adj. 轻率的n. 疹,皮疹;(短时期内)爆发的一连串skin rash 皮疹;a rash decision 草率的决定
minor ['main4(r)] adj. 较小的;次要的n. 未成年人;辅修科目v. (大学中的)辅修vehicle ['vi:ikl] n. 交通工具;传播媒介,手段短语搭配all kinds of vehicles 各种车辆;an aerospace vehicle 太空运载工具pedestrian [pi'destri4n] n. 步行者,行人
短语搭配pedestrian crossing 人行横道commander [k4'm3:nd4(r)] n. 司令官,指挥官shortly ['S7:tli] adv. 立刻;不耐烦地;简略地issue ['iSju:; 'isju:] n. 问题;发行;流出vt. 颁布;分发vi. 流出
be at issue 争论(讨论)中的;the number one issue 首要问题;raise an
issue 提出问题
If we continue to ignore the issue of global warming, we will almost certainly
suffer the drastic effects of climatic changes worldwide. 如果继续忽视全球变
( 六级真题)

