






★★童贞女王:伊丽莎白一世传--***经典的伊丽莎白一世传记版本 读者公认***幽默诙谐的翻译版本=


推荐一: *经典的人文景点《一本书玩转欧洲**景点》以“宫保鸡丁”为主线路,精彩地介绍欧洲各地的名胜景点。


推荐二: *实用的精美图片《一本书玩转欧洲**景点》收录了300多张欧洲**景点的实景照片,给美好的文字笼罩上美丽的光环。

推荐三: 英汉对照,双语阅读《一本书玩转欧洲**景点》采用英汉对照双语的形式,不仅能体味到优美的译文,还可以学习*纯正的英文,娱乐学习两不误!






Chapter 1 Distinctive Cities: Reading the European Civilization Shrouded in Historical Soul

1. London: The Olympic City and the Fashion City 伦敦——奥运之城,时尚之都/1
2. Paris: The Paradise of Women巴黎——女人的天堂/15
3.Barcelona:TheWorld-renowned European Flower巴塞罗那——名扬四海的“欧洲之花”/24
4. Florence:The Birthplace of Renaissance 佛罗伦萨——文艺复兴的发源地/30
5.Pompeii:The Ancient City Vanished and Reappeared Mysteriously庞贝古城——千年古城神秘消失与再现/38
6.The Acropolis: The Legend of Athena, the Intelligence Goddess希腊雅典卫城——智慧女神雅典娜的传说/43
7.The Old City of Berne:Each Spring Columnisa Fairy tale伯尔尼古城——每个泉柱就是一个童话故事/51
8. Prague: The Beautiful Old Homeland of Literature 布拉格——古老美丽的文学家园/58
9. Oxford: The City and University as a Whole 牛津城——城市与大学的集合体/66
10. Venice:Water has Given Venice its Birth,its Beauty and its Prosperity 威尼斯水城——因水而生,因水而美,因水而兴/74

Chapter 2 Beautiful Palaces: Reviewing the Beautiful Looks after the Luxury Disappeared
11.Buckingham Palace:Britain’s Royal Culture in Miniature白金汉宫——英国王室文化的缩影/83
12.Winter Palace:The Museum for Major Art and Cultural History冬宫——大型艺术与文化历史博物馆/90
13.Versailles:The Testimony of 100-year French Court凡尔赛宫——百年法兰西宫廷的见证/94
14.Louvre:The Artistic Charm of Random Thoughts卢浮宫——浮想联翩的艺术魅力/99
15. Sanssouci Palace:The Summer Palace above the Dunes 德国无忧宫——沙丘上的避暑宫殿/106
16.Moscow Kremlin:The Eighth Wonder in the World克里姆林宫——世界第八奇景/112
17.Schonbrunn Palace:The Witness of Habsburg’s History of Honor and Disgrace

Chapter 3 Mysterious Churches: Appreciating the Architectural Marvels and Telling the Historic Legends
第三章 神秘教堂——赏析建筑奇迹,讲述千古传奇/125
18.Notre Dame de Paris: The Birthplace of Great Literatures巴黎圣母院——文学巨著的发源地/125
19.Santa MariadelFiore: A Large Part of the Renaissance Masterpiece花之圣母教堂——文艺复兴杰作之大成/130
20.St Paul’s Cathedral: The Monument of the Classical Architectures圣保罗大教堂——古典主义建筑的纪念碑/136
21.St.Peter’s Basilica: The Largest Cathedral in the World圣彼得大教堂——全世界大教堂/141
22.Cologne Cathedral: The Tallest Minaret in Europe科隆大教堂——欧洲尖塔/147
23.HagiaSophia:Witnessed the Cultural and Religious Wars圣索菲亚大教堂——见证了文化和宗教战争的圣地/154

Chapter 4 The Fantasy Wild lands: Drunk in the Woods and Intoxicated by the Riverside

24. Provence:The Secret Garden in the Hearts of the Europeans 普罗旺斯——欧洲人心中的秘密花园/165
25.AegeanSea:The Warm and Romantic Love Paradise希腊爱琴海——温馨浪漫的纯爱天堂/175
26.Zugspitze:The Highest Marriage Registration Office in Germany楚格峰——德国海拔的婚姻登记处/181
27.VolgaRiver:The“Mother River”of the Russian伏尔加河——俄罗斯人的“母亲河”/185
28. Geneva: The Health Heaven far away from the Battlefield 日内瓦湖——远离战场的养生天堂/190
29.NaxosIsland:The Greenest City in Greece纳克索斯岛——希腊的碧绿城/194
30.BlackForestinGermany:Source of Inspiration of Grimm’s Fairy Tales德国黑森林——格林童话的灵感源地/198
Chapter 5 World Records: Tracing the Source of Civilization and Looking for Ancient Memories
第五章 世界之——追溯文明之源,寻找远古记忆/203
31.The Temple of Olympian Zeus:The Oldest Site of the Olympic Village Stadium奥林匹亚宙斯神殿——古老的奥运村体育场遗址/203
32.The Colosseum in Rome:The Greatest Sports Venue in History古罗马斗兽场——伟大的体育场馆/210
33.University of Cambridge:The Cradle of the most Nobel Prize Winners剑桥大学——多诺贝尔奖得主的摇篮/216
34.Paris Opera:The Largest Lyric Theatre in the World巴黎歌剧院——世界上的抒情剧场/222
35.Brera Art Gallery:The Most Romantic Gallery in the World布雷拉画廊——有情调的画廊/228
36.Neuschwanstein Castle: The most Beautiful Fairytale Castle and Romantic Manor for Snow White新天鹅堡——世界美丽的童话城堡,白雪公主的浪漫庄园/235


★★★★★ 五星级图书 一本书读懂美国文化(英汉对照)

★★★★★ 五星级图书 一口气读懂美国史 (英汉对照)----边学英语边了解美国历史,图文并茂、鲜活生动的美国历史书

Chapter 1 Distinctive Cities: Reading the European Civilization Shrouded in Historical Soul
章 特色城市——解读历史灵魂笼罩下的欧洲文明


1. London: The Olympic City and the Fashion City 伦敦——奥运之城,时尚之都
London, the capital of Britain, is a city full of art and history, an important political center and a fashion city, a huge financial market place and a cosmopolitan capital. The city is made up of a "collection of villages", each area with its own character and community. It is also one of the Olympic cities in history, the site for Olympics for three times.

●The Birth, Development and Olympic Glory of the Historical City 历史之城的诞生、发展与奥运荣光
The name "London" is derived from "Londinium" in Celtic. In 43AD, the Celtic invaded Britain, and built a bridge across the Thames River. After they found it a favorable geographical location, they added a port. In 50AD, the Roman merchants built a town nearby the bridge. So London was born.
Since 1801, London has become the world’s largest city because of its superior achievements in politics, economy, culture, entertainment, science and technology. London is not only the British political center, but also the headquarters of international organizations. London is a diverse city. Its people are from all over the world, with a plurality of race, religion and culture. There are more than 300 languages used in the city. London is the world’s largest financial center, the world’s most important economic center and the world famous tourist resort, with numerous attractions and museums.
London is by far the host city of the most Summer Olympics and the first city to host Summer Olympics for three times in history. The first time is 1908 Summer Olympics, the second is 1948 Summer Olympics and the third is 2012 Summer Olympics.
●The Fashion Capital and the Shopping Paradise 时尚之都与购物天堂
In 2011, London beat Paris of France, New York of America, becoming the real fashion capital of the world. It was partly caused by the wedding of Will and Kate. However, London is worth the name of fashion with a long history. It is the first choice for fashion shopping.
London is a shopping paradise. There are a variety of commodities, from expensive luxury goods to cheap popular ones, from high-tech computer products to handicraft ones. There are many highly unique shopping districts in London. Some areas are the collecting and distributing centers of a commodity. Others are selling all kinds of goods.
The Oxford Street is an important shopping street in London. There gathered more than 300 world brand stores and large shopping malls. Selfridges, the representative of fashion and edgy, appears in the starting point of the street, near the Triumphal Arch subway station. There are also large flagship stores of Nike Town and Topshop, public fashion brand shops of Zara and MUJI, and so on. Those shops of care-free styles for young people are also very conspicuous. This shopping street is known as Europe’s busiest street.
●Human Landscape of Historic Significance 具有历史意义的人文景点
London—the capital of England, is a racial, religious and cultural melting pot. The antiques and art treasures from every country as well as numerous exhibitions and performances can make you travel around the world within London.
Millennium Wheel:The London Eye 千禧之轮——伦敦眼
The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the bank of the Thames River in London, England. The entire structure is 135 meters tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120 meters. It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and the most popular attraction in the United Kingdom, visited by over 3.5 million people annually. When erected in 1999 it was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world, until surpassed first by the 160 m Star of Nanchang in 2006 and then the 165 m Singapore Flyer in 2008.
The London Eye, or Millennium Wheel, was officially called the British Airways London Eye and then the Merlin Entertainments London Eye. Since 20 January, 2011, its official name is the EDF Energy London Eye. London Eye was originally the temporary building for the 2000 celebration and would be removed after 5 years. But it was very popular to Englishmen and tourists. Therefore, the local city council decided to reserve the London Eye and protect it as a London landmark.
The Alternative Camden Market 另类的卡姆登市场
The Camden Markets are a number of adjoining large retail markets in Camden Town, often collectively named "Camden Market" or "Camden Lock". Among products sold on the stalls are crafts, clothing, bric-a-brac, and fast food. It is the fourth-most popular visitor attraction in London, attracting approximately 100,000 people each weekend. A small local food market that has operated in Inverness Street since the beginning of the 20th century has lost stalls since local supermarkets opened, and this market retains only three fruit and vegetable stalls (which are closed on Sundays), in addition to stalls for other products. Since 1974 a small weekly crafts market that has operated every Sunday near Camden Lock has developed into a large complex of markets. The markets have a mixture of temporary stalls and fixed premises. The Camden Markets are becoming London’s most famous flea markets, with the unexpected alternative goods.
