

  一、紧扣课标话题。一方面,我们将新增课标话题**融合到书中,如初一上册第12 章的主题改成了2011 年版课标话题的第18 项“通讯(Communications)”,同时又巧妙地融合了节假日活动、朋友、计划与安排等话题;另一方面增加了课标子话题或子话题的复现,如卫生与健康、文娱、衣着与天气、人与自然等。
  三、选材新颖,角度独特。2013 年10 月份澳大利亚报道了在树叶里发现黄金的新闻,作者将此科学新发现收入书中,并在查阅了古代中国的典籍后对此提出质疑,认为现代科学家也许应该从中国古代的智慧中汲取营养。书中还提到在西方社会流行的微电影拍摄等新兴的事物,以及教师如何利用这一技术服务于课堂教学。
  四、语料真实,体裁丰富。 修订严格遵循在真实语境中呈现语言真实运用的语言学习规律。新增的语篇选材包括真实往来的电子邮件、英国东海岸火车公司的售票广告、缅甸丹老群岛的旅游推介材料、诗歌节选、真实生活经历等,并以此为蓝本进行了不同程度的改编,既保留了内容的鲜活性,又降低了语言难度,增加了可读性。




Brian Tomplinson是世界*著名的语言学习教材开发专家,于1993年在英国卢顿大学开设了世界首个致力于研究语言学习教材开发的硕士学位,成立了国际著名的教材开发协会MATSDA,并担任主席。


Module 1 How to Learn English 如何学英语
You're not alone - Get blogging!并不是就你一人--建个博客吧!
Term reports 学期报告单
Chatting online 网上交流
Module 2 Experiences 经历
Your three-minute interview(I) 你的3分钟采访(一)
Your three-minute interview (II) 你的3分钟采访(二)
The most frightening experience *令人恐慌的一次经历
Module 3 Journey to Space 太空之旅
It's not rocket science! 这不是火箭技术!
You were a scientist! 如果你是一位科学家!
A visit to a space centre 参观航天中心
Module 4 Education 教育
Getting money to go to school! 上学能挣钱!
What great progress! 多么显著的进步!
How lucky we are here! 我们多么幸运!
Module 5 Western Music 西方音乐
Let me be! 别打扰我!
An interview with Elvis Presley 对猫王的一次采访
A survey about music 关于音乐的小调查
Module 6 A Famous Story 一个有名的故事
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》
Jonah and the Whale 《约拿和鲸的故事》
The Monkey King 《美猴王》


The most frightening experience
People sometimes ask me, “What’s the most frightening experience you’ve ever had?” Well, it happened when I was 12. It was also the most uncomfortable experience I have ever had. My mother, my sisters and I left Heathrow Airport to go on holiday to Cyprus.
My dad came to the airport to say goodbye. Unfortunately he was working and could not come with us. We got on the plane. The take-off was fine. Later the air stewards served us our meals.
I was busy eating when the plane rocked. My plate went flying. Most of the other passengers’ plates fell too. I remember thinking that there must be food everywhere.
All of the lights in the plane went off. The seatbelt signs came on. The plane kept on bumping. I was scared that there might be a serious problem. I wished that my father was with us. Then we heard the captain of the plane. He said, “I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen. We are going through a storm. Please stay in your seats.”
The air stewards also had to stay in their seats. There was no one who could clear away our plates and food. My drink had fallen on my trousers and I was so uncomfortable. There was thunder and lightning outside.
We had to sit like that for more than an hour while the plane bumped along. After a while I wanted to go to the toilet. So did everyone else, I’m sure. The air stewards tried to stay calm and polite.
It seemed like hours before we were allowed to move again and clear up. I did not feel well after all that bumping around. Luckily the plane was alright and we landed safely. We later found out that we had passed through one of the most violent storms ever over the Mediterranean Sea!

