





  Peter-Jane Osborn是南非东开普尔省一所寄宿学校的英语教师。她酷爱写作,创造了很多充满丰富想象力的英语故事,深受孩子们的喜欢。


Module 1 The teen scene
 Peer pressure
 Teenage fame
 Odd jobs
Module 2 Celebrations
 Festivals of light
 Special days
 National holidays
Module 3 Environment and sports
 Extreme sports
 Milo of Croton
 Chinese shadow plays
Module 4 The arts
 The fun guide to poetry
Module 5 Communication through the ages
 The story of writing
 The story of printing
 The story of written communication
Module 6 Unusual hobbies and careers
 Collecting insects
 Gardening with a difference
 What to do with paper, animal skins and wire
Module 7 Nutritious eating
 Food of many lands
 The fast food culture
 Healthy eating habits
Module 8 Strange animal and plants
 Strange but real
 Strange, but are real?
 Crazy plants
Module 9 Medicine
 Important developments in science
 Healing without medicine
 The story of Florence Nightingale
Module 10 Interesting people
 Ancient warriors
Module 11 Natural diasters
 Some of the most common disasters
Module 12 Interesting architecture
 Unusual houses
 The skyline of the Tokyo
 Building in Egypt


  Most people have a feast or festival of light. Each culture celebrates this festival in a different way. There is one thing that is the same, however, and this is the wish for peace and happiness in the word.

