“人文中国书系”共30个分册,书系旨在通过介绍中国传统文化中一些有代表性的领域或专题,展现中国文化的总体面貌。书系的作者均为相关领域的专家学者,他们广博的历史文化知识以及深入浅出的叙述方法,使读者可以通过轻松愉悦的阅读,领略丰富多彩、博大精深的中国文化。该系列丛书设计精美,内容丰富,出版以来受到国外读者欢迎,版权输出到多个国家,并被收入“剑桥文库”。 中国戏剧主要包括戏曲和话剧。戏曲是中国固有的传统戏剧形式,与古希腊悲喜剧、印度梵剧并称为世界三大古剧。话剧则是20世纪中国从西方引进的戏剧形式。本书以简明生动的语言,勾勒出古典戏曲和话剧这两种戏剧形式在中国的发展历程,以*代表性的剧种、作品为重点,介绍其艺术特征和文化价值,同时介绍了戏曲和话剧艺术在当下中国的发展状况。
Chinese drama includes Chinese traditional opera and modern spoken drama. The former, Chinese traditional drama, together with ancient Greek tragedy & comedy, and Indian Sanskrit drams, was regarded as one of three ancient dramas. The latter, modern spoken drama, was introduced to China from the West in 20th Century. This book uses simple languages to depict the development process of these two forms of Chinese drama. Focused on the representative theatre genres and works of Chinese drama, this book also introduces its artistic features and cultural value, and the current development of these two forms.

