

本书被评为医学院前两年***书籍,也是美国执业医师资格考试step 1备考用书。涵盖临床医学学科重点内容,建立了一个临床医学学科知识构架网,易于医学生及备考USMLE Step 1考生理解与记忆临床医学内容。



- 医学院前两年的***指南

- 包含其他复习材料忽略的重要基础内容

- 着重于执业医师考试*阶检验的高发话题和事实

- 佐以辅助学习材料、表格及简明文字,以简化学习过程,助你在课程及考试中胜出

- 提供理解解剖学、胚胎学、生理学、病理学、药物学及公共卫生科学的完整框架

- 借鉴《USMLE Step 1 考试指导2018》的目录,以便对照学习

- 由考试状元撰写,*科系审校


[美]道·勒(Tao Le),医学博士。作为一名医科学生,道对医学教育产生了热情。目前,他编辑了超过15本《First Aid》系列丛书。此外,他还是USMLE-RX for exam preparation和ScholarRx for undergraduate medical Education的创始人和首席教育官。作为一名医科学生,他是加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF) Synapse的主编,该大学的报纸每周发行量为9000份。陶于1996年获得加州大学旧金山分校的医学学位,并在耶鲁大学完成了内科住院医师培训和约翰霍普金斯大学的专科培训。随后,道与人合作创办了医疗教育科技企业Medsn,并担任首席医疗官。他目前是路易斯维尔大学成人过敏和免疫学主任。


CHAPTER 1. Cardiovascular

CHAPTER 2. Endocrine

CHAPTER 3. Gastrointestinal

CHAPTER 4. Hematology and Oncology

CHAPTER 5. Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective Tissue

CHAPTER 6. Neurology and Special Senses

CHAPTER 7. Psychiatry

CHAPTER 8. Renal

CHAPTER 9. Reproductive

CHAPTER 10. Respiratory


With this third edition of First Aid for the Basic Sciences: Organ Systems, we continue

our commitment to providing students with the most useful and up-to-date preparation

guides for the USMLE Step 1. For the past year, a team of authors and editors

have worked to update and further improve this third edition. This edition represents

a major revision in many ways.

■ Every page has been carefully reviewed and updated to reflect the most high-yield

material for the Step 1 exam.

■ New high-yield figures, tables, and mnemonics have been incorporated.

■ Margin elements, including flashcards, have been added to assist in optimizing the

studying process.

■ Hundreds of user comments and suggestions have been incorporated.

■ Emphasis is on deeper understanding and integration of critical concepts.

This book would not have been possible without the help of the hundreds of students

and faculty members who contributed their feedback and suggestions. We invite students

and faculty to please share their thoughts and ideas to help us improve First Aid

for the Basic Sciences: Organ Systems. (See How to Contribute, p. xiii.)
