  Chinese values are the result of the land's cultural evolution over the past several thousand years; they reflect the life, ideas, and cultural pursuits of the people of China and thus carry Chinese characteristics. This book seeks to uncover the historical sources and contemporary foundation of Chinese values. It provides a vivid account of the socialist core values that China upholds and demonstrates the unique spirit, values, and strength of the nation.

Preface Understanding the Contemporary Chinese Values

Chapter 1 Building a Prosperous, Democratic, Culturally Advanced and Harmonious Country
Prosperity: Dream and Glory of the Chinese People
Democracy: Keep Expanding People's Democracy
Civility: A Symbol of Social Progress
Harmony: Aspiration for a World of Great Harmony

Chapter 2 Building a Society of Freedom, Equality, Justice and with the Rule of Law
Freedom: A Common Pursuit of Man
Equality: The Cornerstone of Social Progress
Justice: The Sunshine and Rain of Life
Rule of Law: Enter a Modern Law-Based Society

Chapter 3 Cultivating the Civic Virtue of Patriotism, Dedication, Integrity and Friendliness
Patriotism: A Sacred, Natural Duty of the People
Dedication: Achieving the Extraordinary
Integrity: A Basic Virtue of Conduct
Friendliness: A Foundation for Interpersonal Relationships

Chapter 4 Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Toward a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Seeking Goodwill with Neighbors and Harmony with all Nations

Conclusion Rise of the Values for National Rejuvenation
  National Rejuvenation
  The great rejuvenation is the Chinese people's dream and expectation. After 170 years of struggle since the Opium War, the goal has never been brighter and closer at hand, and the Chinese people have never been more confident.
  The Chinese Dream means that we will make China prosperous and strong, rejuvenate the nation, and bring happiness to the Chinese people. To dream is to have a future, and we must walk on the right path and take concrete action to achieve this dream.
  Our future is determined by the direction we choose and our destiny is determined by the path we are on. We will firmly take the socialist path with Chinese characteristics. We will not take the old path of a rigid closed-door policy, nor an erroneous path by abandoning socialism. We have made great strides in socialism. Even the greatest eras of the past could not feed and clothe one billion people. We can only achieve the Chinese Dream if we persist in our path, develop our economy and gradually realize common prosperity. This path was not easy to come by since we created it out of trial and error after 40 years of Reform and Opening Up, a century of humiliation following the Opium War of 1840, and 5,000 years of history. The path is rich in historical implications and hard-learned lessons.
  On November 29, 2012, President Xi Jinping went to the National Museum for the exhibition "Road to Rejuvenation" along with other senior officials and made a speech. He declared, "We all have a dream or ideal to pursue. Everyone is talking about the Chinese Dream right now. In my opinion, achieving the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people since the advent of modern times. This dream embodies the long-cherished hope of several generations of the Chinese people, gives expression to the overall interests of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, and represents the shared aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. History has taught us that our individual destiny is tied to that of our country, of our nation. Only when the country prospers can we hope to prosper. National rejuvenation is an honorable and difficult task; it needs the effort of the Chinese people, generation after generation. We'll succeed if we put in real work; empty talk will get us nowhere."
  We'll succeed if we put in real work; empty talk will get us nowhere. Real work begets success while empty talk assures failure. Everyone has to stay on his post and do his share of duty to realize the Chinese Dream. Why has China developed so fast? Because the Chinese people put in the effort to do real work.
  韩震(Han Zhen)is the director of the Academic Committee, director of the Philosophy and Development Strategy Research Center, and a professor in the School of Philosophy at Beijing Normal University. Previously, he served as vice president of Beijing Normal University as well as president and Party secretary of Beijing Foreign Studies University. He was recognized by the Beijing Municipality as one of the 100 Young Theoreticians of the New Century. He was also selected for the New Century Talent Program of the Ministry of Education, the New Century National Talent Project (in the very year the project was launched by the Ministry of Personnel and other government agencies), and the Program of Cultural Experts and Four Categories of Talent (initiated by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee).
