

词汇由易渐难,益于读者更好地熟悉语境记忆法的使用方法,增加读者的词汇库:本书依然引用了一些杂志和报刊中的文章,介绍了一些互动交际中经常出现的一般用词,同时,作者也引用了一些SAT 、GRE等标准化考试中要考核的单词以及一些出版作品(例如,小说、教材)中的较为学术化的词汇,一般用词用于让读者熟悉语境记忆法,学术用词用来增加读者的词汇库,既让读者学到了一种新型单词记忆法,又增加了读者的词汇量,一举两得!



主动词汇是指一个人所能掌握的词汇中能够在说话和写作中被自如运用的那部分单词。本书是奥尔森三本词汇系列书中的第二本,本书整体分为两大部分:一般词汇与学术词汇。本书的重点是锻炼读者熟悉语境记忆法并达到熟练运用语境记忆法!本书依然引入了一些杂志和报刊中的文章,介绍了一些互动交际中经常出现的一般用词,同时,作者也引入了一些SAT 、GRE等标准化考试中要考核的单词以及一些出版作品(例如,小说、教材)中较为学术化的词汇,一般用词用于让读者熟悉语境记忆法,学术用词用来增加读者的词汇库,既让读者学到了一种新型单词记忆法,又增加了读者的词汇量,一举两得!书中同样根据语境记忆法的使用原则开展了各色的专题活动(如,主题阅读、含义预测、自我测验、视觉单词、互动练习及话题讨论等),轻松有趣,层层递进,更好地锻炼了读者的自主单词记忆能力!


Pronunciation Guide 发音指南



To the Student


Getting Started

Learning Objectives

Parts of Speech

Using the Dictionary

Completing Analogies

Benefits of Flash Cards and Word Maps

Word Wise Features








PART I General Words

SECTION I Student Life

Chapter 1 On Campus: Study Skills

Chapter 2 Relationships: Solving Conflicts

Chapter 3 Entertainment: Enjoying a Night Out

Chapter 4 Word Parts I

Chapter 5 Review: Focus on Chapters 1–4

SECTION II Reading for Pleasure

Chapter 6 Science Fiction: The Silent Stars

Chapter 7 Romance: A Knock on the Door

Chapter 8 Mystery: Missing from the Mound

Chapter 9 Word Parts II

Chapter 10 Review: Focus on Chapters 6–9

PART II Academic Words

Chapter 11 Education: Creating Readers

Chapter 12 Environmental Science: Endangered Animals

Chapter 13 Computer Science: Internet Scams

Chapter 14 Word Parts III

Chapter 15 Review: Focus on Chapters 11–14

Chapter 16 English: Writing Tips

Chapter 17 Political Science: Local Politics

Chapter 18 Sports Medicine: Avoiding Injuries

Chapter 19 Review: Focus on Chapters 16–18

Chapter 20 Nutrition: Healthy Eating

Chapter 21 City Planning: Public Input

Chapter 22 Psychology: FAQs on Growing Up

Chapter 23 Career Development: Resume Building

Chapter 24 Review: Focus on Chapters 20–23

Glossary 词汇表

Create Your Own Flash Cards 自制单词闪卡

Make Your Own Word Maps 自制联想图表

Word Reactions 单词反应

Word List 单词表



Because students benefit greatly from increase word power, the study of vocabulary should be enjoyable. Unfortunately, vocabulary workbooks often lose sight of this goal. To help make the study of vocabulary an exciting and enjoyable part of study, I have written Active Vocabulary.

The goal of this book--the second in a three-book interactive vocabulary series--is to make the study of vocabulary fun through a variety of thematic readings, self-tests, and interactive exercises. As a casual glimpse through the book will indicate, these activities involve writing, personal experience, art, and many other formats. The goal of these activities is simple: to utilize individual learning styles in order to help students learn new words in a large number of contexts.

Underlying the text's strong visual appeal is a central philosophy: an essential part of learning vocabulary is repeated exposure to a word. Active Vocabulary provides eight to ten exposures to each vocabulary word within the main chapters of the text plus additional coverage in the Review chapters and through the flash card and word map activities explained in the book. More opportunities for exposure can also be found in the Collaborative Activities and games in the Instructor's Manual.



I want to thank the following reviewers for their helpful suggestions as the sixth edition took shape: Yolanda Cooper, Bossier Parish Community College; Robert Mann, Des Moines Area Community College Urban Campus; Lisa Kovacs Morgan, UC San Diego English Language Institute; Mark Poupard, UC San Diego English Language Institute; Carolyn Smith, Baton Rouge Community College; Pamela Walsh, Schenectady County Community College.

Additionally, I am grateful to Eric Jorgensen, Program Manager at Pearson, for his help and dedication in preparing this edition. I am also thankful to Eric Stano, Vice President and Editorial Director in English at Pearson, for his continuous support of the vocabulary series. Thanks also to the Production, Marketing, and Supplement departments of Pearson for their thoughtful work on various aspects of the book. I am grateful to several colleagues and students for insightful com-

ments. I thank my family for their loyal support. Lastly, I sincerely appreciate my husband for his comments on questions he never thought he would be asked.

I am pleased that this edition continues to combine traditional and innovative approaches to vocabulary study. I am delighted to present the sixth edition of Active Vocabulary, a book that makes learning vocabulary fun and meaningful.

--Amy E. Olsen








Yolanda Cooper,波西亚教区社区学院;

Robert Mann,得梅因地区社区学院城市校区;

Lisa Kovacs Morgan,加州大学圣地亚哥分校英语语言学院;

Mark Poupard,加州大学圣地亚哥分校英语语言学院;

Carolyn Smith,巴吞鲁日社区学院;

Pamela Walsh,斯卡奈塔第县社区学院。



----艾米·E. 奥尔森


