


















小乌龟和鸟 The Tortoise and the Bird

小马过河 Little Horse Crossing the River

给衣服的食物 Food for Good Clothes

小猫钓鱼 A Fishing Cat

湿裤子 Wet Pants

学会靠自己 Learning to Rely on Ourselves

999 块拼图 999 Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

小牧童 The Little Shepherd Boy

再试一次 Try Again

龟兔赛跑 The Hare and the Tortoise

坏脾气 Bad Temper

三只小猪 Three Little Pigs

小猪噜噜搬西瓜 The Pig and Watermelon

狐狸先生与鹤太太 Mr. Fox and Mrs. Crane

愚蠢的驴子 A Dumb Donkey

乌鸦喝水 A Thirsty Crow

画蛇添足 Adding Feet to a Snake

飞行的乌龟 The Flying Turtle

幸福拍手歌 If You are Happy

下金蛋的鹅 The Goose with a Golden Egg

蚱蜢与蚂蚁 The Grasshopper and the Ants

老狮子 The Old Lion

狼来了 The Boy Who Cried Wolf

爱普莉月 April's Month

狐狸和小猫 The Fox and the Cat

狐狸和山羊The Fox and the Goat

狗、公鸡和狐狸The Dog the Rooster and the Fox

守财奴和他的金子The Miser and His Gold

谁是你的守护天使Who is Your Guardian Angel

老鼠嫁女儿The Mouse Marries off His Daughter

小熊让路Bear out of the Way

顽强的小兔Persistent Little Rabbit

矮婆婆的树皮小屋Grandma Short's Hut

想长大的小青蛙Little Frog Wants to Grow up

傲慢的玫瑰花The Arrogant Rose

勇于承认错误的小象Little Elephant Owns up Mistakes

小袋鼠让座Little Kangaroo Offering Seats

妈妈辛苦Mama Works the Hardest

鹬蚌相争The Snipe Grapples with the Clam

拔苗助长Pulling Up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow

南辕北辙Going South by Driving the Carriage North

孔融让梨Kong Rong Shares the Pears

猴子捞月The Monkeys and the Moon

愚公移山Yu Gong Wants to Remove Mountains

年的传说The Story of Nian

东郭先生和狼Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf

田螺姑娘The Snail Girl

十二生肖的故事The Story of the Zodiac

聪明的小象A Smart Elephant

我的妈妈My Mum

秋千The Swing

你是我的阳光You are My Sunshine

我们同在一起 The More We Get Together


小鸟在说些什么 What does Little Birdie Say

纸船 Paper Boats

晴天或阴天Sunny or Cloudy

酸菜 Pickled Peppers

季节歌The Seasons Song

来到车站 Down by the Station

变戏法The Hokey Pokey

回家路上不停歌唱Sing Your Way Home

动物园一日游Going to the Zoo



一天,小乌龟嘲笑小鸟说:“你的家真寒酸! 它是用折断的小树枝做成的,没有屋顶,看上去很粗糙。更糟糕的是,你还要花时间去修建它。而我的房子就是我的壳,比你那可怜的窝好太多了。”




The Tortoise and the Bird

A tortoise was resting under a tree, on which a bird had built its nest. The tortoise spoke to the bird mockingly, "What a shabby home you have! It is made of broken twigs, it has no roof, and it looks crude. What's worse is that you had to build it yourself.

I think my house, which is my shell, is much better than your pathetic nest."

"Yes, it is made of broken twigs, looks shabby and crude, but I built it, and I like it."

"I guess it's just like any other nest, but not better than mine," said the tortoise, "You must be jealous of my shell, though."

"On the contrary," the bird replied, "My home has space for my family and friends, your shell cannot accommodate anyone other than you. Maybe you have a better house, but I have a better

home." said the bird happily.















Real knowledge comesfrom practice.


Little Horse Crossing the River

Little Horse and his mother lived by the river. He passed his days

happily, and time flew by. One day, Mother called Little Horse to her side and said, "Little Horse, you're all grown up, and you can help mother with a few things. Today, you take that sack of grain and carry it to the village on the opposite riverbank."

Little Horse happily agreed. Carrying the grain on his back, he flew to the river. Because there was no bridge over the river, however, he could only wade across, yet he didn't know how deep the river was. While he was hesitating, he lifted his head and saw Uncle Ox eating grass not far away.

Little Horse hurriedly ran over and asked, "Uncle Ox, do you know if the river is deep or not?"

Uncle Ox straightened his big, tall body and laughingly said, "Not very deep, not very deep. It only comes up to my calf."

Little Horse happily ran back to the riverside and prepared to wade across. He had only taken one step when suddenly he heard a voice saying, "Little Horse, Little Horse, don't go in, this river is so deep!" Little Horse lowered his head, looked down, and saw it was Little Squirrel.

Little Squirrel raised her pretty tail with her round eyes widely open and said earnestly, " Two days ago, my companion accidentally fell into the river, and the water swept him away."

Little Horse had no idea what to do.

Uncle Ox said the water was shallow, but Little Squirrel said the

water was deep. What should he do? He had to go back and ask Mother.

Mother Horse saw Little Horse returning with a lowered head from afar and carrying the sack of grain. She knew in her heart that he must have run into trouble, so she went to welcome Little Horse and ask about it. Little Horse told Mother what Uncle Ox and Little Squirrel had said.

Mother consoled Little Horse, saying, "Don't worry, let's go together and have a look."

Little Horse and Mother went back to the riverbank again, and

Mother encouraged Little Horse to test out how deep the water was.

Little Horse carefully tried it out, and step by step he waded across the river.

Ah! He understood. On the one hand, the river wasn't as shallow as Uncle Ox said, and, on the other hand, it also wasn't as deep as Little Squirrel said. You only know if you find out for yourself.







Food for Good Clothes

One day, Mr.Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing old clothes. He came into the room, but people in the room didn't look at him. They didn't ask him to sit at the table.

Mr.Smith went home, put on his good clothes, and then went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and smiled at him. They gave him very good food to eat.

Mr.Smith took off his coat, put it among the food, and said, "Eat, coat!" The other people asked, "What are you doing?"

He answered, "I'm asking my coat to eat the food. When I'm wearing my old clothes, you don't look at me. You don't ask me to sit down. Now I'm in these clothes, and you give me very good food. Now I see. You give the food for my clothes to eat, not for me."

