本书由来自科研一线的加拿大、中国和澳大利亚学者共同创作完成,主要讲述了中国脊椎动物的进化历程,全书分为古生代、中生代和新生代三大章,挑取有代表性的动物群介绍脊椎动物进化历程中的重大转变,辅以丰富高清的化石图片和生态复原图,可以给予读者身临其境之感。为古动物爱好者和研究者的基础入门之书,中英文双语对照,书中珍贵的古生物化石和生态复原图均出自专业摄影师和研究者之手,科学而美观,(中英对照版)获得:荣获第十一届文津图书奖,英国自然杂志倾力推荐图书,带你探索中国的“侏罗纪公园”!当选新京报“2015年度*美的书”(中文典藏版)获得第二届大鹏自然好书奖更多好书详见奇趣科学馆《有趣的科学》(平装全9册,DK*经典*热销的少儿科普丛书,荣获中国童书金奖,新闻出版总署向青少年推荐的百种优秀图书)《DK科普典藏·礼品套装》(星空 海洋 人体 恐龙全4册)《有趣的透视立体书 机械篇(全8册)》直观的机械透视感,通透的整体构造展现,每个分页即剖析一个独立的部件,更添加AR互动技术,手机平板等安卓系统就能展现3D立体的虚拟现实效果《中国古老文化寻踪(全七册)》 用影像探寻文化形态,以文字揭示内在价值,抢救中国传统文化的“活的基因”《檀岛花事:夏威夷植物日记》(签名本)(全三册)(附精美书签 植物旅行示意图)一套属于你的**。《征程 从鱼到人的生命之旅》(中英对照)英国自然杂志倾力推荐图书,带你探索中国的“侏罗纪公园”!《硅谷启示录》惊世狂潮 怦然心动(全2册)《爆笑科学漫画》物理探秘 化学妙想 环保超人(中英文双语版)(著名漫画家——缪印堂,诺贝尔物理学奖得主——阿诺 彭齐亚斯,鼎力推介)《轻松自降三高》(套装共3册)全图解、超简单、特实用——让高血压、高血糖、高胆固醇刷刷刷地降下来!《生态文明决策者丛书--生态农场纪实》《创新的启示——关于百年科技创新的若干思考》(荣膺第九届文津图书奖)《3D打印 打印未来》
舒柯文 加拿大维多利亚大学本科毕业,多伦多大学获得硕士,美国哈佛大学的博士毕业生。现为中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所副研究员,兼任学术刊物《古脊椎动物学报》的英文编辑。经常在中国和他的故乡加拿大进行野外古生物考察。不忙野外的时候会在研究所做恐龙和其他中生代脊椎动物的研究,或者努力学习汉语。这本书是他对古生物科普的首次主要尝试。 Corwin Sullivan is an associate research professor of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He completed his undergraduate education at the University of Victoria, Canada before going on to earn an MSc degree at the University of Toronto at Mississauga and a PhD at Harvard University. He is the English editor of Vertebrata PalAsiatica, the Institute’s peer-reviewed scientific journal. When not busy with fieldwork in China or his native Canada, he pursues research focussing on dinosaurs and other Mesozoic vertebrates at the Institute, and studing Chinese hard in leisure time. From Fish to Human: the March of Vertebrate Life in China is his first major science outreach effort. 王原 本科毕业于北京大学地质系古生物及地层专业,曾赴美留学获文学硕士,在中国科学院获得博士学位。现为中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员,曾获中国国家自然科学奖和中国科学院杰出科技成就奖。发现和采集了很多重要的脊椎动物化石,喜欢研究化石青蛙和化石蝾螈。他倾尽心力担任的中国古动物馆馆长一职,决定了他还是讲述中国恐龙故事的高手。 Wang Yuan graduated from the Geology Department of Peking University and received his second MS degree in the US and his PhD from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is now a research professor of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, CAS, and serves as director of the Paleozoological Museum of China. He has been awarded China’s National Prize for Natural Sciences and the Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has discovered and collected many important vertebrate fossils, and loves to study fossil frogs and salamanders. As the diligent director of a palaeontological museum in China, he also excels at telling the stories of Chinese dinosaurs. Brian Choo 生于新加坡,少年移居澳大利亚,本科毕业于默多克大学,在澳大利亚国立大学获得博士学位,后在中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所做博士后研究(2009-2013),现就职于澳大利亚弗林德斯大学。他的主要研究方向是志留纪和泥盆纪的化石鱼类,偶尔也发表一些中生代海洋爬行动物的论文。他还是位自学成才的画家,曾为学术论文、科普文章、博物馆展览、图书、电视纪录片等绘制古代生命的科学复原图。 Brian Choo, currently at Flinders University, was born in Singapore but moved to Australia at a young age. He graduated from Murdoch University and received his PhD at the Australian National University before going on to work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, from 2009 to 2013. His research has focused primarily on fossil fishes from the Silurian and Devonian Periods, but he has also published occasional papers on Mesozoic marine reptiles. As a self-taught illustrator, he has provided scientifically rigorous life-reconstructions of fossil animals for academic papers, popular articles, museum exhibits, books and television documentaries.


Recommendation Abstract of
From Fish to Human—the March of Vertebrate Life in China
This is a history of vertebrate life in China reconstructed by three palaeontologists from three different countries, which not only answers the classic philosophic question: “where did we come from”, but also opens a window to the amazed, incidental and unimaginable world of the evolution of life. The authors narrate the 500 million year history in such a vivid and interesting way, spectacular but no loss of detail, while abounded with elaborate metaphors and deep reflections. The special focus of the book, the “Nine Key Transitions” in the evolution from fish to human, also deserves the readers’ scrutinization.
In this book, the historical march of vertebrate life in China is exampled by fifteen representative faunas which were based upon several hundred thousand fossil specimens as solid evidence. Some high resolution photos and structural reconstructions of fossils are presented for the first time, showing the typical Chinese beauty of life in the past hundred million years, and leading the fossil lovers into the exploration of prehistoric life. In the meanwhile, these evolutionary records of the march of life are also part of the charm of palaeontology.