

Lesson One
Text: Looking back on Eighty Years
Grammar: The Modal Verb(Ⅰ)
Word Study:read,like
Lesson Two
Text: My First Job
Grammar: I The Mood
Ⅱ The Sobjumctive Mood
Word Study:run,teach
Lesson three
Text:birth of a forsyte
Grammar:the subjunctive mood(II)
Word study:decide,lend
Lesson four
Text:some recent changes in the english language
Grammar:The modal verb(II)
Word study:form,judge
Lesson five
Text:Cigarette smoking and cancer of the lung
Grammar:The uses of "It "
Word study:Fall,increase
Lesson six
Text:Lady hermits who are down but not out
Grammar:The uses of "as"
Word study:Offer,choose
Revision exercises(LL.1-6)
Lesson seven
Text:In the antarctic
Word study:reach,rise
Lesson eight
Lesson nine
Lesson eleven
Lesson twelve
Revision exercises(LL,7-12)
supplementary readings
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5


