
get_product_contenthtml     Acknowledgments
     My education didn't follow the normal path. I taught myself how to program and learned how to run a business mostly by trial and error. In the end, I think this is the only option that would have worked for me, but it was possible only because of my extremely patient and understanding family: my morn, Peggy; my dad, Alan; and my sister, Jamie. You would not be reading this now if it was not for their support. There are so many people that have helped me in my work life, but there are a few that have had a direct impact on this book.
     Michael Lopp and Angela Muller were ongoing sources of encouragement and inspiration. This book first came into being over lunch when Michael mentioned something along the lines of “everyone wants an animal on the cover of their book,” referring to the iconic O'Reilly covers. By incredible coincidence, Brian from O'Reilly emailed me about two weeks later. Had Michael not made that comment, this might not have happened.
     I had world-class tech reviewers for this project: Joar Wingfors, Michael Jurewitz, Rob Rhyne, and Tim Triemstra. Joar, who I originally met through the tutorials I posted online, tirelessly reviewed an ever-changing book, provided a wealth of essential com- ments and suggestions, and even helped me fix some bugs in the code. He,s one of the most talented engineers I know, and I am thrilled to have been able to get his help on this.
     Though he wasn't involved in this project, I owe a lot to John Mora. He has an ability to look an impossibly large task in the face and just do it, despite the usual doubts about whether you know enough or have enough time. It is one of the most impressive traits I know of, and John has it in spades. Thankfully, I think some of that rubbed off on me over the 15 years I've known him.
     Thanks to Kip Krueger for patiently helping me figure out the low-level details of memory and offering pointers when I was learning C. His mentoring is the reason I'm able to teach these topics to you now. ……