

  dining roon 饭厅
  Let’s go to the dining room.让我们到餐室去吧。
  coin n.硬币
  He paid me in coins.他用硬币付给我钱。
  Coins may be of different sizes,weights,shapes,and of different metals,
  mouth n.嘴
  The news spread from mouth to mouth.这消息广为流传。
  swallow v.吞下 v.忍受,吞下,咽下 n.燕子,吞咽
  She swallowed her anger and carried on,她忍气吞声地继续进行下去。
  later adv.后来
  I did not know it then,I learned it later.当时我不知此事,我是后来听说的。
  see you later再见
  toilet n.厕所,盥洗室
  There is a toilet in each room of the hotel.这家旅馆的每个房间都有一个洗手间。
  The toilet is over there.盥洗室在那边。
  以—let结尾的单词还有:bullet n.子弹,炮弹;wallet n.皮夹,钱包
  lavatory n.洗漱间;厕所
  story n.故事
  The film is a love story.这部电影是一个爱情故事。
  tale n.故事;传说;叙述
  happen v.发生
  How did the accident happen?事故是怎样发生的?