
get_product_contenthtml Aaa(an)art.冠词单词精译:一(个、支…)例:I have a big house.我有一所大房子。例:There is a pencil on the desk.桌子上有一支铅笔。温馨提示:a pen一支钢笔/an apple一个苹果ability n.名词单词精译:才能例:Her drama teacher found her ability.她的戏剧老师发现了她的才能。able adj.形容词单词精译:1.能够2.有能力的,能干的例:1.The older child should be able to prepare a simple meal.年纪稍大的孩子应该会做一顿简单的饭菜。例:2.He was even able to build his own home.他甚至有能力盖起自己的房子。温馨提示:able常与to构成短语:be able to能够做…about adv.副词单词精译:1.大约2.到处、四处例:1.It’s about 8p.m. now.现在大约是晚上八点。例:2.Everyone is running about.大家都在跑来跑去。about prep.介词单词精译:对于,关于例:She knows a lot about food.她对吃的很在行。例:This book is about a little cat’s story.这本书讲述的是关于一只小猫的故事。above adv.副词单词精译:在…之上例:She lifted her hand above her head.她把手举过头顶。above prep.介词单词精译:在…上面例:The moon hangs above the top of the tree.月亮悬挂在树梢上。温馨提示:above all重要的是/above price价值连城,无价的abroad adv.副词单词精译:在(到)国外例:He bought many mines abroad.他在国外买了很多矿产。例:Almost all of them were made abroad.这些几乎都是外国的制造。温馨提示:go abroad出国absence n.名词单词精译:不在,缺席例:His absence from work is all because of his illness.他因为生病了,所以没来上班。温馨提示:absence of mind心不在焉absent adj.形容词单词精译:缺席,不在例:He has been absent from his work for two weeks.他已经有两个星期没有工作了。