
  艾条灸疗法【ài tiáo jiǔ liáo fǎ】将艾条或药条点燃后,薰烤腧穴或患处,通过温和热力和药力来刺激皮肤,以防治疾病。艾条灸疗法的温和灸、雀啄灸和回旋灸,对一般适宜施灸的病症均可采用,但温和灸多用于灸治慢性病,雀啄灸和回旋灸多用于灸治急性病。 moxa stick moxibustion therapy  A therapeutic method characterized by use of ignited moxa stick or medicated stick to fumigate and cauterize the acupoints or the affected regions to stimulate the skin with warmth, heat and therapeutic effect to prevent and treat disease. Mild moxibustion, sparrow-pecking moxibustion and circling moxibustion therapies are all applicable to diseases that can be treated by moxibustion. But mild moxibustion therapy is often used to treat chronic diseases while sparrow-pecking moxibustion and circling moxibustion are usually used to treat acute diseases.

  安蛔止厥【ān huí zhǐ jué】通过温阳散寒以安蛔止痛回厥,适用于蛔厥的治疗方法。quiet ascaris and stop syncope A therapeutic method used to warm yang and dissipate cold to quiet ascaris and relieve pain and syncope, applicable to treatment of ascaris syncope.

  安神止痒【ān shén zhǐ yǎnɡ】 运用具有养血安神作用的方药或其他疗法,主要适用于阴血亏虚,心神不宁,肌肤失养所致瘙痒的治疗方法。tranquilize the spirit to check itching A therapeutic method used to treat itching due to deficiency of yin blood, restlessness of the heart spirit and malnutrition of the muscles and skin with the formulae and medicinals for tonifying the blood and tranquilizing the spirit.
  暗产【àn chǎn】 多因肾虚、肝郁,或房事不节等所致。指受孕而早早自然流产,常不知受孕而误认为是一次月经的疾病。early abortion  A disease of pregnancy category, characterized by early abortion, usually mistaken as menstruation, caused by kidney deficiency, liver depression, or excessive sexual activity.  
  暗示解惑疗法【àn shì jiě huò liáo fǎ】采用含蓄、间接的方式,对病人的心理状态产生影响,以诱导病人“无形中”接受医生的治疗性意见;或通过语言等方式,剖析本质、真情,以解除病人的疑惑,从而达到治疗由情志因素所引起的疾病的一种心理疗法。主要适用于由猜疑、误解、猜测所导致的幻觉、抑郁等病症。suggestion and puzzle-relief therapy   A therapeutic method used to treat mental disorders by indirect suggestion to subconsciously influence the mental state of the patient, or through verbal communication to analyze the truth of things to clear his doubts, applicable to treatment of illusion and depression due to suspicion or misunderstanding.