
get_product_contenthtml Her foot slides over and then back, cautiously
stroking the toes of his left foot. His head quivers when he glances up and catches her gleaming eyes, as wide as five-kronor coins. He blushes, noting the soft tug at his heart.

s going to haunt him, he understands that even
now. The sweet, stuffy smell in the room, her blotchy face that melts into everything else. She pulls up his shirt so his stomach shows, then does the same thing to herself and presses her bare midriff against his.
Skin, she says, scrunching her eyes and mouth into the middle of her face.

The room is red, everything in the room is red:
the carpet, the bedspread, the wallpaper, a big, fuzzy teddy bear like you win at the fair. Even the threshold leading into the room is red.
Do I dare go in here? He senses right away how silly hes being. Then he doesnt manage to think anything else. She shoves him brusquely into the room, though with a smile that exudes something else. Shuts the door so the music and the hum disappear, and lies down on the bed. He doesnt lie down but walks around the room a little aimlessly, picks up a Barbie doll with its hair dyed red.
Do you think she dyed the hair herself, or can you buy them this way?
Come here for a minute, lie down instead and you can play with the dolls later.

Dad is bipolar. That means that he gets a rune
tattooed on his right arm when he goes to Iceland; that he takes up smoking when he
s forty-seven; that sometimes he leaves an enormous tip when he eats out; that he laughs louder than other people and cries more quietly. But most of the time it doesnt mean anything.
爸爸患有双相情感障碍症[ 又称“双极性情感障碍”或“躁郁症”,属于情感性精神障碍(mood disorder)的一种类型,指既有躁狂发作,又有抑郁发作的一类疾病。]
这意味着,他去冰岛的时候,会在右胳膊刺上如尼文[ 北欧古文字母,被认为是有魔力的符号。]纹身;他在四十七岁的时候开始抽烟;有时他去餐厅吃饭 ,会给几百克朗的小费;和别人相比,他笑得大声,却哭得悄无声息。绝大多数情况下,他和正常人一样。

How do you know when its over?
Maybe when you feel more in love with your memories than with the person standing in front of you.