

《洗澡了Take A Bath

Caillou grabs his tugboat, his ducky and his little doll.

Mommy helps Caillou get in the tub.

He sits down in the warm water.

It feels good!


《小心点儿Be Careful

Mommy turns on the gas stove.

Wide-eyed, Caillou watches the little flames.

“Be careful, they’re also very hot,” explains Mommy.

“If I touched them, I would burn myself.”


《大家一起玩!Play Together!》

“Caillou, if you let Roise play with your crocodile, I’ll be able to help you.”

Caillou looked doubtful.

“Okay,” he said at last and handed his toy to his sister.

Mommy and Caillou built another castle.

With Mommy’s help, Caillou’s castle was the best castle ever!


《阁楼里的狼The Wolf In The Attic

“The wolf you saw must be really big, Caillou,” said Daddy.

“His eyes were red like fire,” Caillou continued.

Daddy listened carefully.

“You must have been scared, Caillou. Tell me again what happened.”


《我要自己做!Do It Myself!

Caillou wandered away from Mommy and Roise.

He went shopping by himself.

Caillou stopped in front of some onions.

He picked up one, but then all the onions fell down.