















     爱丽丝往下掉的时候还不忘行屈膝礼, 因为她想表现得礼貌些。“如果我问了,他们会觉得我是个笨女孩的!”爱丽丝大声说了出来。她决定再也不问谁她会在哪个国家着地。她会自己找到答案。她一定会的!

























Down the Rabbit Hole


Alice was tired of sitting by her sister on the riverbank. She had nothing to do. Once or twice she peeked into the book her sister was reading. It wasn’t very exciting. It had no pictures or any dialogue in it.

What good is a book, thought Alice, without pictures or conversations?

She wondered if she should search for daisies to make a daisy chain. She was about to begin her search when a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her. There wasn’t anything particularly odd about a rabbit running close to her. But this rabbit was different. This rabbit spoke!

“Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!” it said. But it wasn’t until the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket that Alice ran across the field after it. She caught up with it just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit hole under the hedge.

Within a minute, Alice went down after it. She never once considered how in the world she’d get back out again.

The hole went straight on like a tunnel for quite a ways. Then it dipped down so suddenly that Alice had no time to think about stopping herself. She fell so fast! It was as if she was going down a well. She decided that either the well was very deep or she was falling slowly.

Alice had plenty of time to look around her. At first, she tried to look down to see where she was going. But it was too dark to see anything. Then she looked to the sides of the well. They were filled with cupboards and bookshelves. There were maps lying about and pictures hung on pegs.

Alice grabbed one of the jars on the shelves as she passed. It was labeled Orange Marmalade. To her great disappointment, it was empty. She didn’t dare drop the jar and hurt anyone underneath. So she managed to place it on a shelf as she continued her fall.

Well, thought Alice, after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down the stairs. Even if I fell off the house it would not be such a fall as this.

Down, down, down. Would the fall ever end? I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen, Alice thought. I must be getting near the center of the earth. Let me see, that would be about 4,000 miles down.

Then she had an eerie thought. I wonder if I shall fall through the earth? I’d have to ask if I were in New Zealand or Australia, I suppose.

Alice tried to curtsy as she fell, for she wanted to appear polite. “They’d think I was a silly girl for asking!” Alice said aloud. She decided she’d never ask anyone which country she landed in. She’d find out the answer herself. She must!

Down, down, down. There was nothing else to do. So Alice soon began talking again. “My poor cat! Dinah will miss me terribly tonight. I do hope they’ll remember her saucer of milk at teatime.” Alice sighed. “Oh, Dinah! I do wish you were here with me. There are no mice in the air though. Perhaps you’d catch a bat. Do cats eat bats I wonder?”

Alice started to get sleepy. She continued to talk to herself. “Do cats eat bats? Do bats eat cats?” She had no answers. She was dozing off when suddenly, thump! Down she came upon a heap of leaves. At last, the fall was over!

Alice wasn’t hurt one bit. She jumped to her feet. It was very, very dark. Before her, there was a long passage. The White Rabbit was scurrying down it!

Alice chased it in a flash. She could hear the White Rabbit speaking, “Oh, my ears and whiskers! How late it’s getting. It’s terribly late. Terribly late.”

Then the White Rabbit rounded the corner and was gone. Alice was left all alone in a long, low hall. It was lit only by lamps hanging from the roof. There were doors all around the hall. Alice walked up and down and tried opening each one, but she had no luck. They were all locked. How would she ever get out again?

Suddenly, Alice came upon a three-legged table. It was made of solid glass. On top of the table lay a tiny golden key. She noticed the locks on the doors were much bigger. The key would never work.

Lucky for her, she then saw a curtain about fifteen inches high. Behind it was a little door. To her delight, the key fit into the lock!

Alice opened the door. It led to a small passage no bigger than a rat hole. She knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw.

How Alice longed to get out of that dark hall. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wander among the beds of bright flowers? The cool fountains would feel lovely. How she wished she could reach it! But it would be impossible. She couldn’t even fit her head through the doorway!

“Even if I could get my head through, what good would it be without my shoulders?” Alice asked the door.

There seemed to be no use waiting by the little door. So, she went back to the table. She half hoped she might find another key on it.

This time, she found a little bottle on the table. Alice knew it was certainly not there before. Tied around the neck of the bottle was a paper label that said: DRINK ME.

The words were beautifully printed in large letters. Alice was not going to rush into drinking anything without examining the label a little better.

“I’ll look first to see if it says poison on the bottle.” She had read far too many stories where children were eaten by beasts or had other bad things happen to them. Why? All because they didn’t remember the rules of safety they’d been taught.

After examining the label and seeing no such word, Alice drank it. “What an odd feeling,” said Alice. “I must be shutting up like a telescope.”

She was indeed! Alice was now only ten inches high! She ran toward the garden at once. But when she got to the door, she realized she had forgotten the key.

When she went back to get it, she couldn’t reach it. She was too small now. When she looked up, she could see it through the glass. She tried her best to climb up one of the legs. No luck! She was too small and it was too slippery. Alice sat down and cried.

Soon her eyes fell on a little glass box under the table. She hadn’t noticed it before. She opened it to find a very small cake. The words EAT ME were beautifully written with berries.

“Well, I’ll eat it. If it makes me grow taller, I’ll reach the key. If it makes me grow smaller, then I’ll creep under the door. Either way, I’ll get into the garden. I don’t care which happens.”

Alice nibbled on the cake and anxiously said, “Which way? Which way?” She held her hand to her head to see which way it was growing. There was no change. She remained the same size.

Disappointed, she decided to finish the entire cake.