
get_product_contenthtml 《大道行思:如何看中国共产党的历史(英文)》:
  The bonfires piecing through the darkness of the long nights in fact symbolized the ideals and beliefs that were shining like a beacon in the heart of the officers and men.
  All majestic achievements in human history stemmed from strong beliefs. The Red Army led by the Communist Party of China was an unbeatable force forged by idealism and sheer dogged determination.
  It may surprise many people that at least 50 of the officers above the corps commander level and intellectuals participating in the Long March had studied in the Soviet Union, the United States, France, Germany, or Japan. Although Mao Zedong did not study abroad, he was a person of remarkable erudition. Many generals, including He Long, used to be senior officers of the KMT.
  If they had not embarked on the road of revolution, these communists could easily lead a rich and decent life by the standards of normal Chinese people at the time. If we label them rebels, then they were the most educated band of rebels in the history of China. They were unquestionably a group of elites embarking on the road of revolution in search for truth.
  What kind of power could annihilate such a group of highly educated people bound together by conviction and idealism? Their conscious pursuit of communist goals gave birth to the kind of persistence and optimism which revolutionaries need to triumph over all obstacles and hardships standing between them and their goals.
  As this ragged band of communists who had already had too many encounters with death marched deeper into Western China, some of them sang La Marseillaise in French, and some sang The Internationale in Russian on the road. Some performed the traditional African-American dance or the classic Russian Sailors' Dance during breaks. Some read out aloud the Communist Manifesto in German. It is remarkable how these soldiers could bravely stare death in the eye without flinching.
  Despite the pursuit by the KMT, many of them were still able to engage in artistic activities, including writing poetry, painting slogans, drawing sketches, writing dramas and Chinese allegro songs (kuaiban). In fact, some of them later became well-known dramatists, calligraphers, and painters. Mao Zedong was carried on a stretcher most of the time at the beginning of the Long March because of poor health conditions, He often read Karl Marx or Vladimir Ilich Lenin on the stretcher. Inspirational slogans and allegro songs promoting communism or depicting the heroism of the marchers spread across the areas they crossed. After arriving in Zunyi, Guizhou, the Red Army organized a basketball game. The commander-in-chief Zhu De participated in the game.